Saturday, April 12, 2008

Friends, Food, and Horses

This morning, the barn owner called to tell us he was having an impromptu barbecue at the barn and we were invited. We weren't about to pass up free food - especially Mr. Bubba's good cooking!

Morgan had a friend coming over who had never ridden horses, so before food, the girls had to ride. Brooke and one of the other girls whose horse is stabled at the barn rode as well.

The food was delicious. The day was wonderful - bright and breezy with temperatures only in the 60's. Definitely a rare treat for those of us in Louisiana - the scorching temperatures will be here shortly.


Teeny said...

ahhh - what a fabulous're the VERY cool mom!

Cynthia said...

LOL! Yep.. free is GOOD!