Monday, August 18, 2008

This IS My Coffee!!!

I don't drink cokes (which means any fizzy, carbonated beverage to all you non-Louisianians), but I do have a vice. I love coffee. And my favorite coffee is NOT McDonald's iced coffee that I had on Saturday. Yuck.

My favorite place for coffee is Starbucks. But because it's not cheap, and because we are still paying construction loan financing instead of a regular mortgage, I haven't had Starbucks in more than a month. But today I decided to treat myself.

THIS is MY coffee! Starbucks Venti Coffee Frappucino. Yum!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

YUM! I haven't been treating myself either since submitting to a budget like the rest of the people in our FPU class. However, I did go get one the other day and it tasted SO GOOD! I like to get a white chocolate carmel over ice.