Look at those gorgeous green eyes!

Look at those gorgeous green eyes!
It's also the best place to take a bath. Just ask Stewart (who looks a bit surreal and bluish in this picture).
Mother and me.
Morgan and her Gran.
She has kidney disease and drinks "special water" with her medicine in it. But what a lucky kitty to share her last years with my lovely aunt.
Michael and Morgan reluctantly stop for a picture.
I love this little trail along the river.
Skunk cabbage - pee-you!
Look how well this little guy is camouflaged!
I absolutely adore forsythia in the spring. We don't have it in Louisiana.
The ornamental cherry trees were simply stunning.
1. My favorite feature is my eyes. I have my Dad to thank for them.
2. I was adopted. Both of my precious adoptive parents died by the time I was 17.
3. I was raised as an only child.
4. I have met both my biological parents and have good relationships with them.
5. I'm the oldest of ten children! What a surprise after being an only for so long! And I never had to fight over the bathroom with any of them!
6. I came to Christ after meeting the man who later became my husband. He told me (after eight years of marriage) that he had given God a deadline for me to get saved or he was breaking off the relationship - I made it by four days.
7. I cannot stand having my hair in my eyes. I usually get it cut every 4-6 weeks. I'm well overdue. See photo above. I go for a haircut on Tuesday. It's driving me CRAZY!
If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged. Post a comment so I can check out YOUR seven things!
...or pink. Same kids, one year later. This was fun. Brooke, on the other hand, was duly mortified.
Today's Verse For this reason I kneel before the Father... I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. |