Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Today Morgan and I leave for Oregon. My Grandmother passed away on the 13th of the month and she and Granddaddy will be interred together this Friday.

My Grandmother was quite a woman. She had many challenges in her life, but always faced things head on and made the best of any situation. She was very intelligent and loved learning new things. She loved working crossword puzzles to keep her mind "sharp." She spoke bits of French, German, and Spanish and was a BIG geneaology buff, going back in both her and Granddaddy's family history to the 1500's. One of my greatest treasures is the geneaology book she put together for me. For someone who was adopted and wondered about where I came from and where I belonged, this book is precious.

The picture above is my spunky Grandmother and my gentle Granddaddy on their wedding day.


Teeny said...

This is the most romantic thing I've heard of...being "interred" together; love until the very end.

Laura said...

So sorry about your Grandmother. Glad you were able to have time in Oregon.