Thursday, March 13, 2008

There Must Be An Easier Way

Today Morgan wanted to "blow out" and egg so she could paint the shell and keep it "forever." So she gets an egg and a large needle. I successfully poke the obligatory holes in either end (eggs are tougher than you think) and tell her to "blow." So she blew and she blew and she blew.

And only one drop came out. So Mama had to get in on the act. And, because I've posted the picture of my beautiful daughter blowing on an egg, so I must post one of myself. Like Pioneer Woman says, "I'm just keepin' it real." Very real. No makeup. Still in PJs. Paint in hair. You know it's real. Real ugly. Sorry. I warned you.

I, and all my lung power, emptied out the egg. (Insert superhero music here.) Really, there must be an easier way to get the egg out of the shell than blowing it. Yeah, I know. Crack the thing. Wise guy.

Morgan painted the egg a beautiful shade of blue with a cross on it. Why didn't I get a picture of THAT? Oh well. Just keepin' it real.


all in the family said...

Like Pioneer Woman says, "I'm just keepin' it real." Very real. No makeup. Still in PJs. Paint in hair. You know it's real. Real ugly. Sorry. I warned you.

See we are a kindship, lol! Still in PJ's?? Just kidding. That is kind of an everyday thing for me.....


Teeny said...

that was classic...the things we do for our babies!!! LOL